T315H- 800xA Training course

T315H- 800xA Training course

Course goal

The goal of this course is to learn the engineering of a complete control project using the Extended Automation System 800xA with AC 800M controllers and Control Builder as the engineering tool. Note that this course is split in two parts and the pre-course is T315F or T315C for the controller configuration.

Learning objectives

Upon completion of this course the participants will be able to:

n  Build up a plant model in the Functional and Location Structure

n  Configure process graphic displays and define navigation links

n  Modify faceplates and create graphic elements

n  Manage and configure alarm and events

n  Configure external alarms and alarm printers

n  Set up the historical data collection and configure trend displays

n  Create and customize Operator Workplaces

n  Configure user accounts and describe how access rights work

n  Backup and restore System 800xA data

n  Use the import / export tool

n  Create simple reports using MS Excel Data Access

n  Use bulk data handling with templates

n  Describe the NLS principles

Participant profile

This training is targeted to system and application engineers, commissioning and maintenance personnel, service engineers and system integrators.


Students should have attended either the course T315C “Engineering with Control Builder” or the course T315F “Engineering with Function Designer” or have knowledge and experience associated with the content of these courses.


n  Plant modelling

n  Graphic displays

n  Graphic elements

n  Faceplates

n  Alarm and events

n  Historical data collection

n  Trend displays

n  Operator Workplace

n  User security

n  Backup and restore

n  Import and export

n  Simple reports

n  Document manager

n  National Language Support (NLS)

n  Bulk data handling

Course type and methods

This is an instructor led course with interactive classroom discussions and associated lab exercises. Approximately 50% of the course is hands-on lab activities.


The duration is 5 days.